
I'm a UK design toy maker, illustrator & artist based in Singapore.
I have an eclectic creative background originally studying photography & film at university. I’ve been a freelance artist since 2006. In 2013 I decided to change direction towards illustration. In 2017 I stumbled onto designer toys after seeing some at a con I was also boothing at. I assumed they had all been made in factories so when the toy maker in the booth next to mine informed me he made them himself by casting resin it blow my mind! I thought I’d give it a go and haven’t stopped!
I love creating cute stuff and creatures.
You can see more of my work on my website as well as previously sold items:
I most regularly post on Instagram my most current and in progress works. I also tend to announce commission slots, stock availability and news about events there before other social:
But it Facebook is your thing I occasionally post on my FB page: